Tuesday, 23 September 2014


OK, so this beautiful September Autumn warm weather is a blessing and I am NOT complaining but it's playing havoc with my sourdough!
Working in a shipping container is great fun and I love my girl shed, but, it is also rather susceptible (despite insulation - obviously not very good) to changes in outside temperature. It's keeping me on my toes though and am having to think outside the box (pun intended!) and work my sourdough to a different ratio and schedule to account for warm days and cold nights. Having said all that, the other day out of the oven came what for me is the perfect sourdough. Crunchy, caramel even crust and a moist, chewy, soft crumb, heaven! A loaf did find its way into the kitchen instead of out on delivery and and I am quite sure my bathroom scales are lying? (Possibly not). Butter, what butter??
Will I manage to recreate that splendid loaf I do not know, but that's the fun of the fledgling baker, experiment, trial, error, success, disaster, hope, pride, devastation, joy, learning a never ending circle of life in yeast.